- Thinktecture EmbeddedSTS causing duplicate HTTP requests -

i need in resolving strange behavior came across while using thinktectures embedded sts locally in mvc application. don’t see issue on server using adfs.

the issue is after sign in application, of http calls on getting called twice. first http request goes without fedauth cookie server responds status code of 302 (redirect) , request same url made time fedauth cookie. i'm trying understand causing browser send first request without fedauth cookie , why server redirects same url?

i need in understanding how embeddedsts url gets resolved. went through code on github not clear me how embeddedsts url resolved.

any appreciated.

i able figure out issue on own. issue related cookie paths being case sensitive. virtual directory in localhost configured atsweb while making ajax calls constructing full url different case virtual directory (atsweb). since adfs cookie set path /atsweb, while doing ajax call browser not sending fedauth cookie server. leading sorts of issues.

you can read more cookie paths @ links below.

why cookie paths case sensitive?

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