angularjs - Chrome browser on iOS with ngRepeat overscrolls on reload -

i've hit incredibly annoying edge case small one-page angularjs app i've been developing client.

for simplicity, consider following html code:

<div ng-controller="serviceguidectrl">     <h1>care assessment</h1>     <form ng-submit="loadresults($event);">         <div>             <h2>is or loved one?</h2>             <ul>                 <li><input type="radio" ng-model="who" value="do you"> me</li>                 <li><input type="radio" ng-model="who" value="does loved one"> loved one</li>             </ul>         </div>         <div ng-repeat="question in questions">             <h2>{{ question.text }}</h2>             <ul>                 <li><input type="radio"> yes</li>                 <li><input type="radio"> no</li>             </ul>         </div>         <p ng-show="who"><input type="submit" value="submit answers"></p>     </form> </div> 

the angular controller:

app.controller('serviceguidectrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$window', function($scope, $timeout, $window) {          $timeout(function() {             $window.scrollto(0,0);         });          $scope.$watch('who', function(value) {             $scope.questions = [];             if (typeof $scope.who !== 'undefined') {                 (var i=0; < 20; i++) {                   $scope.questions.push({                       'text': $scope.who + ' need particular thing?'                   });               }             }         }); }]); 

the problem in ios platform on chrome browser:

  1. select 1 of "me/loved one" options
  2. scroll down through questions (preferably bottom), don't click "submit answers"
  3. reload page while still being scrolled down
  4. page "jump" saved scroll position, since ng-repeat elements aren't loaded, overscrolls dark grey area.
  5. changing orientation or scrolling page jumps page it's supposed be.

here's screenshot of looks like:

blank screen grey due ios overscroll

plunker: click here

if want test on chrome using own ios device (since plunker uses iframes , makes weird things happen scrolling on mobile devices).

as can see, $window.scrollto(0,0) doing nothing me. seems chrome ios applies saved scroll position after dom , angular loaded. if use timeout of around 20-30 ms, page flickers off-screen top, confirming theory. problem 20-30 ms value still unreliable (it works half of time), , bigger values cause more obvious screen flicker.

how can make when page ng-repeat elements reloaded on ios chrome, doesn't overscroll blank grey area? potentially bug ios chrome browser?

it should noted accept browser bug (read: not problem), members of office on anti-angularjs vendetta i'd fix it.

i don't own iphone , hardly understand problem, since seems smarphones applies undesired scroll event on whole page, work around setting fixed height document, , instead handling overflow scroll within container.

html { height: 100%; } body { height: 100%; } .container { height: 100%; overflow: scroll; }

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