java - Count method invocation of method variable instance -

i have code this:

class foobar {     private string statefoo;      public foobar(string statefoo){         this.statefoo = statefoo;     }              public void foo() {         fooinst f = fooinstfactory.createsomefooinst(anotherstaticfooconfig.getsomepath);         f.justcountme();     } } 

my goal make sure f.justcountme() executed once. know how in general mockito. don't know how inject mocked version of fooinst foo method? can count invocation?

is possible so?

if possible; suggest avoid using mocking libraries temper static fields (in way powermock/mockito do) - comes undesired side effects (for example many "coverage" tools produce invalid results when static mocking takes places).

so suggestion: re-design class under test. instead of fetching f static factory; provide constructor either factory or f; can mock corresponding object; without need turn mighty dangerous "powerxyz" stuff.

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