javascript - WebComponentsJS with IE10 -

i trying use webcomponentsjs unfortunately, information on topic , website extremely messy , difficult ascertain. browser support matrix on website says no ie support. matrix on github says has ie support, 2 of 4 categories "flaky" (and don't mention means):

the bower version of library doesn't work @ me in browser due reported bug ( issue fixed, didn't seem have made new release. used webcomponents.js file master branch , works in modern web browsers such chrome , firefox.

unfortunately, doesn't seem work @ ie10 (simply renders nothing, there no errors). tried example web component (, , not render in ie.

looking @ github page, seems indicate might, @ least partially, work in ie10. point is, wording across project extremely vague , contradictory.

that leads me question: web components, webcomponents.js polyfill, work in ie10? specifically, what doesn't work in ie10? know some things do, made evident hell-world app, not does.

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