php - Doctrine ORM - entity implements interface -

i have following problem - in project, have interface called taggableinterface

interface taggableinterface {    public function addtag(taginterface $tag);    public function deletetag(taginterface $tag);    public function gettags(); } 

it implemented entity classes.

is there way in doctrine creates relations between entites , tags? if taggable wasn't interface abstarct class, able solve entity inheritance..

without doctrine use party/accountability design pattern (

if understood properly: want create mapping , implementation interface without using abstract class , repeating code.

php have traits. can create trait common implementation of interface. experience know can add doctrine annotations mapping trait , work well.

create taggabletrait. behave class or interface. reside in namespace , loaded autoloader if add use.

namespace my\namespace;  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm;  trait taggabletrait  {     /**     * @orm\manytomany(targetentity="some\namespace\entity\tag")     */    protected $tags;     public function addtag(taginterface $tag)    {       $this->tags->add($tag);    }     public function removetag(taginterface $tag)    {       $this->tags->removeelement($tags);    }     public function deletetag(taginterface $tag)    {       $this->removetag($tag);    }     public function gettags()    {       return $this->tags;    }  } 

and in taggable entity:

namespace some\namespace\entity;  use some\namespace\taggableinterface; use my\namespace\taggabletrait; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; //...  /**  * @orm\entity  */ class taggableentity implements taggableinterface {    use taggabletrait;     public function __construct()    {       $this->tags = new arraycollection();    }     // rest of class code } 

note use inside class have different meaning. add trait , have nothing namespace importing.

you must initialize $tags in constructor, trait cannot that.

that way can create unidirectional association. if want more customization, remove mapping trait , add class.

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