ruby - How to do a feature test in Rails with Capybara and how to know 500 error? -

i created route in rails application as:

scope 'product'   '/', to: 'product#sort', as: 'product' end 

then want test feature capybara as:

# spec/features/product_spec.rb require 'spec_helper'  feature 'product', type: :feature   describe 'main page'     context 'before login'       'show product list'         visit product_path         expect(page).to have_content('product list')       end     end   end end 

but after run rspec in terminal, showed me:

failure/error: expect(page).to have_content('product list')   expected find text "product list" in "500 internal server error" 

why gave me 500 error? happened? how can see error detail?

in controller , view, set @product_categories:

in controller:

# app/controllers/product_controller.rb class productcontroller < applicationcontroller   def sort     @product_categories = productcategory.all     @products = product.all   end end 

in view:

# app/views/product/sort.html.erb <h1>product list</h1>  <% @product_categories.each |category| %>   <%= %> <% end %>  <% @products.each |product| %>   <%= %> <% end %> 

is necessary define value in spec test source?

you're calling .each on class. think mean

@product_categories = productcategories.all 

in controller. also, convention, controllers , view folder name should pluralized, products_controller.rb class name productscontroller , views folder app/views/products/sort.html.erb. in route, pluralize controller 'products#sort'.

as test, seems using mix of rspec , capybara dsl. if use feature, don't need :type => :feature. need combine description, context, , it scenario. refer here example in using capybara rspec built in dsl section:

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