php - Mod rewrite and redirect solution -

we have hundreds of locations , build separate page each in wordpress (location-in-some-state...): works great.

seo guys want page different design seo: don't want change template because still use old one. going build new page , pull data slug:

 'categories'=> 'location-in-some-state', 

so need redirect

something think there's infinite loop here

  rewriterule ^newpage/(.*)$ /newpage/ [r=301,nc,l] 

lastly, need 'location-in-some-state' slug somehow. can moved query string or visible in url rewritten? if can redirected /newpage/ , rewritten (visual only) /newpage/location-in-some-state, maybe can pull out of uri, or can uri sent query string?????

do mean like:

rewritecond $1 !^newpage/ rewriterule ^(.*)$ /newpage/$1 [l,r=301] 

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