php - cannot select a row in mysql -

edit1 : used double quotes , single quotes getting same error.

edit2 : same query returning me result in mysql shell

i selecting row table.

if(!isset($_get['title']) || !isset($_get['user'])){   echo "hi"; //something come here  } else{  $title = $_get['title'];  $title = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$title);   $user = $_get['user'];  $user = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$user);  echo $title ;  echo $user ;   // tried giving value directly test no luck  $query = "select * site client=\"chaitanya\" && title=\"werdfghb\" ";   $result5 = mysqli_query($conn,$query) or die(mysqli_error());  $count = mysqli_num_rows($result5);  echo $count ;   while($result9 = mysqli_fetch_array($result5)){   $kk=$result9['url'];  echo $kk ;  }  $page = $kk;   include ( 'counter.php');  addinfo($page); } 

in database there row columns title , client , values entered in row when echo count(no of rows) showing zero.

is there wrong code ?

the error getting due line

$page = $kk;

in code $kk not declared previously. defined $kk in while loop scope.

declare variable in outer scope while loop

... $kk = null; while($result9 = mysqli_fetch_array($result5)) {      $kk = $result9['url'];     echo $kk ; } $page = $kk;  ... 

error on fetching data

you have crack sql smaller pieces , test code this.

  1. run query select * site without where , count
  2. run query select * site client='chaitanya' , count
  3. select * site title='werdfghb' , check count
  4. then run whole query

and see results. way u can find out in issue in sql code. i prefer use mysql client execute queries

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