javascript - Highcharts series update with animation -

i can update data value of spider chart , see animated using method:


but, series in spider chart consists not of data other fields, in

series: [{             name: 'allocated budget',             data: [43000, 19000, 60000, 35000, 17000, 10000],             pointplacement: 'on'         }, {             name: 'actual spending',             data: [50000, 39000, 42000, 31000, 26000, 14000],             pointplacement: 'on'         }] 

along data, when need change value name: 'actual spending' , how can update series animation?

because, example if call:

chart.series[i].update({series: newseries[i] , name : newname});  

there won't animation.

if still unclear... well, jsfiddle worth 100 words.

update name, set data desired animation:

chart.series[0].update({name:'new title'}); chart.series[0].setdata(newdata); 

see working fiddle.

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