node.js - Can Gulp be modularized? -

i hope i'm close this, it's starting frustrating.

i've asked before: is possible setup gulp in distributed fashion?

...but i'm still not quite able work.

i've created gist 2 files i'm working with.

my-gulp installed via npm.

it's hitting my-gulp/gulpfile.js fine, i'm getting following output:

> gulp reading my-gulp/gulpfile.js cwd:  /users/will/projects/my-app [15:49:11] using gulpfile ~/projects/my-app/gulpfile.js [15:49:11] task 'default' not in gulpfile [15:49:11] please check documentation proper gulpfile formatting 

if had take guess, it's cwd being root of app, assume error long before making attempt load task (this fails when attempting run task, btw, not default).

does have ideas? i'm @ blocker here :(.

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