Building Android app with Jenkins & Gradle -

i'm devops engineer, , company building first android app. of our other projects, we've used jenkins handle builds.

i've read quite few tutorials on getting android building on jenkins , seem rely on gradle. i'd out in front of devs bit , start job. possible app build doesn't support gradle? scenarios those, can influence decisions?

maybe gradle isn't latest thing, if not, is?

is possible app build doesn't support gradle?

it possible not building app gradle, highly unlikely app not built gradle.

what scenarios those, can influence decisions?

the scenario not building gradle, use eclipse ide develop app. eclipse projects have historically been built more ant or maven. eclipse project can built gradle. said, configuring android project built gradle not requirement build project jenkins. ant, maven, , other build tools play nice jenkins also. so, if dev team using build tool other gradle, shouldn't blocker you. should able accommodate them, if that's going cause less friction.

maybe gradle isn't latest thing, if not, is?

i'm not sure latest, gradle have lot of momentum build tool of choice android projects because default build tool android studio (which positioned replace eclipse default android ide).

so, advice ask dev team ide , build tool using, , go there... (if use eclipse , want build gradle: is possible use gradle build system android eclipse?)

source: @ company work for, develop 2 android apps , make daily builds jenkins. few months ago switched eclipse (ant) android studio (gradle).

i hope helpful. have not answered many questions on here i'm not entirely sure i'm doing right. :)

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