eclipse - Error message failure and crash when using pydev embedded jython interpreter -

i have strange problem when using pydev on work machine (others @ work have same issue). not occur when @ home, makes me think it's environment @ work. running windows 7.

i using pydev 3.9.2 same thing happens earlier versions. occurs versions of eclipse after 3.7. problem this. when create jython console (the 1 running in eclipse vm), error output doesn't work. if type invalid python command, there no output on console. appears command worked. if type command such "print 100", output prints expect.

the second problem if hit red square supposed remove console window, eclipse crashes. there no errors or indication of going wrong.

i have tried different versons of eclipse, different versions of pydev, different machines , doesnt make difference.

has seen this? i've tried can think of debug issue appreciated.

thanks, brian

unfortunately quirks expected...

the internal console in eclipse developers sdk experimenting eclipse , not meant general shell (you should configure interpreter , use that).

i don't have plans on improving on situation (there's multi-year backlog on pydev , isn't critical), if you'd willing spend time , fix issues, pull requests welcome -- see: details on getting code , setting environment.

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