php - mysqli no result from prepare statement? -

i have prepare statement user login. works fine, return 1 if login correct.

after need user id , user name (from bd, think better put input direct session).

but have no result in $rst["id"]; , $rst["user"];

what problem?

 $stmt = $mysqli_link->prepare("select id, user cadastro binary user = ? , binary senha = ?");     $stmt->bind_param('ss', $user, $senha);     $stmt->execute();     $stmt->store_result();          $num = $stmt->num_rows;         if($num > 0)         {             //retorna os dados banco             $rst = $stmt->fetch();                 $id     = $rst["id"];                 $user   = $rst["user"];                 $sessionid = md5(time());                   echo"$user - $id - $sessionid"; } ?> 

thank you!

you need use $rst = $stmt->fetch_assoc. $stmt->fetch() used after using $stmt->bind_result(), fetches results variables named in call.

note using fetch_assoc() prepared statement requires have mysqlnd driver installed.

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