Safe way to purge history - Mercurial -

i cloned project local directory , made lot of changes. current goal push changed code new branch in remote repository. , new branch merged default.

my problem is, because of stupid effort in past few weeks try recover missing files, end few branch names don't want being shown in public.

here's have:

$hg branches   dev-v02  197:xxxxx   dev2     194:xxxxx   dev      183:xxxxx   qa       189:xxxxx  $hg branch   dev-v02 

my question is, if push current branch dev-v02 remote repository "hg push --new-branch", , branch later merged default, unwanted branches show in history of default? , if so, there safe way purge them? not want discard changes. don't want unwanted branches showing in "hg branches" or "hg his" commands whoever later clones project remote repository. searched online , found "hg strip" couldn't tell article if remove changes i've made. thanks.

edit: cloned local repository "hg clone -r 197 original-dir dest-dir" suggested both kevin , chessbot , hg branches shows:
dev-02 192:xxxxx
qa 187:xxxxx (inactive)
guess "qa" remains because had pushed remote qa branch , closed later, , have live that. push new directory on. guys help.

try hg push --new-branch -b dev-v02 specify you're pushing branch.


another thing do: clone repository locally on machine, strip out branches don't want, , push clone server. retain history locally without pushing else.

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