how to create SIP uri using class? -

the server or can voip provider want call contact have created sip headers defined in rfc3261 , want create sip uri using uri class. need with.

the purpose creating uri send udp packet contains sip headers , messages server. don't know address use because datagram class needs destination ip , port. know port 5060 don't know url use.


java don't have built-in support sip, don't need java sip uri.

optionally first might perform dns lookup this:

inetaddress inetaddress =  inetaddress.getbyname(""); 

(this lookup record only. voip should use srv dns records, requires seprate lib , record fine)

then create udp socket this:

datagramsocket socket = new datagramsocket(); 

then send message (buff must hold valid sip message):

socket.send(new datagrampacket(buf, buf.length,  inetaddress.getbyname("ekigaaddresshere"), 5060)); 

then read answer(s) , send other requests.

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