c - Multithreaded program outputs different results every time it runs -

i have been trying create multithreaded program calculates multiples of 3 , 5 1 999 can't seem right every time run different value think might have fact use shared variable 10 threads have no idea how around that. program work if calculate multiples of 3 , 5 1 9.

#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <omp.h> #include <string.h>  #define num_threads 10 #define max 1000  //finds multiples of 3 , 5 , sums of multiples int main(int argc, char ** argv) {     omp_set_num_threads(10);//set number of threads used in parallel loop       unsigned int nums[1000] = { 0 };     int j = 0;      #pragma omp parallel     {          int id = omp_get_thread_num();//get thread id          int i;         for(i = id + 1;i < max; i+= num_threads)         {             if( % 5 == 0 || % 3 == 0)             {                 nums[j++] = i;//store multiples of 3 , 5 in array sum later                }            }       }      int = 0;     unsigned int total;     for(i = 0; nums[i] != 0; i++)total += nums[i];//add multiples of 3 , 5      printf("total : %d\n", total);     return 0; } 

this typical thread synchronization issue. need using kernel synchronization object sake of atomicity of desired operation (incrementing value of variable j in case). mutex, semaphore or event object depending on operating system you're working on. whatever development environment is, provide atomicity, fundamental flow logic should following pseudo-code:

{     lock(kernel_object)     // ...     // critical operation (increment variable j in case)     // ++j;     // ...     unlock(kernel_object) } 

if you're working on windows operating system, there special synchronization mechanisms provided environment (i.e: interlockedincrement or createcriticalsection etc.) if you're working on unix/linux based operating system, can use mutex or semaphore kernel synchronization objects. synchronization mechanism stem concept of semaphores invented edsger w. dijkstra in begining of 1960's.

here's basic examples below:


#include <pthread.h>  pthread_mutex_t g_mutexobject = pthread_mutex_initializer;  int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {     // ...     pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutexobject);    ++j;                                 // incrementing j atomically    pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutexobject);     // ...     pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_mutexobject);    // ...     exit(exit_success); } 


#include <windows.h>  critical_section g_csobject;  int main(void) {     // ...      initializecriticalsection(&g_csobject);      // ...      entercriticalsection(&g_csobject);     ++j;                                // incrementing j atomically            leavecriticalsection(&g_csobject);      // ...      deletecriticalsection(&g_csobject);      // ...      exit(exit_success);  } 

or simply:

#include <windows.h>  long volatile g_j;  // our little j must volatile in here  int main(void) {     // ...      interlockedincrement(&g_j);        // incrementing j atomically      // ...      exit(exit_success); } 

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