ios - Preprocessor #define tag on Objective-C non-Macro -

this isn't possible wanted verify cant find on web it. given objective-c call this:

[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@-%@", var1, var2]; 

i redefine using this:

#define [nsstring stringwithformat(...)] //i realize not macro can //it done ? nslocalizedstring([nsstring stringwithformat(...)],@"comment"]); 

is possible ?

update: let me explain want. have inherited code not localized. 95% of calls this: [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@-%@", stringvalue1,stringvalue2];

i had brainstorming idea wondering if 'redefine' stringwithformat use nslocalizedstring macro localize string. wanted in prefix header stringwithformat calls redefined nslocalizedstring macro first.

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