phonegap build - Can you upload .ipa files to Testflight without Mac? -

i using phonegap build deploy , test applications. work, had go through elaborated tutorial on creating provision files , certificates , borrow mac make use of keychain. however, registered 1 device udid.

now want add more devices, dont want go through whole process again, if have add other devices later?

so thinking use testflight, requires upload .ipa file (apart having developers account etc). phonegap build can create these .ipa files.

however, since working windows, dont see how can upload .ipa files on testflight. tutorials online talk using xcode , other mac program.

is there way upload anyway?

hacks might available since apple integrated testflight itunes connect - (at time) not have public api - official solution use xcode or application launcher ipa uploads. both available os x.

an alternative solution might use ios ci/cd (continuous integration , delivery) service upload. happen have 1 -, cto here - can find couple of other services well.

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