html - How can I keep the bottom contents of a webpage static when under a dynamic table? -

i working on custom pagination leads "last page" having less max number of rows. keep webpage static when table drops or of rows. i.e. scrollbar should keep same length.

to rebuild contents of pagination table, using ajax call in struts 1.x pull jsonarray, information used build raw html data replace existing:

$('#resultsdisplay tbody').remove(); $('#resultsdisplay').append(tbodyhtml);   

i've played around rows can built in place of missing data, when hidden doesn't seem work expected.

a simple way wrap table in container div , give min-height. can't directly table because causes stretch, don't want. here's example:

div {    min-height: 20em;    background: #ddd;  }
above  <div>    <table>      <tr>        <td>i'm</td>        <td>a</td>      </tr>      <tr>        <td>kewl</td>        <td>table</td>      </tr>    </table>  </div>  below

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