php - Getting Content from Specific Column in Row -

ok, straight point, table:

and want display content row id 1 , column content. (more rows in there soon), , want display id 2, etc on different pages.

this code have far:

<?php  include 'databaseconnect.php';   //- queries table content rows -   $queryselect = "select title,tags,content,image pages;";  //----------------- query table, store content in php variable ----------------- $result = mysql_query($queryselect);  //-------------- store content id  = 1 in array --------------      ------------------- include 'logo.html'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){  //- main content -  echo '<div class="wrapper">'; ?>  <?php echo '<div class="imagecontainer">'; echo $row['content']; echo'</div>'; echo'</div>';  } ?> 

this display content row, other pages how use id display content second row in table, instead of first?

(complete beginner, university project)

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