ruby - Check specific line of HTML in Java -

i have following ruby code checks see if biking/running trails open. specifically, checks image changes status of trails:

require 'open-uri' content = open('').read  if content =~ /trailsclosed\.png/   puts "trails closed!" elsif content =~ /trailsopen\.png/   puts "trails open!" else   puts "oops, images not found?"  end 

i perform same task in java. far have following code gets page , prints whole html file console.

public class openurl {     /**      * @param args command line arguments      * @throws      */     public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {         url usnwc = new url("");         try (bufferedreader in = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(                 usnwc.openstream()))) {             string inputline;             while((inputline = in.readline()) != null)                 system.out.println(inputline);         }     } } 

how can check image present using java?

something this:

if (inputline.contains("trailsclosed.png")) {     // trails closed } 

similar check can made trailsopen.png.

once match found can break while loop.

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