Android Facebook API and ShareLinkContent -

for android app game have implemented button allows user share result of game.

i have integrated facebook sdk, classes known project. manifest contains following tags:

<meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.applicationid"         android:value="@string/app_id" />      <provider android:authorities=""         android:name="com.facebook.facebookcontentprovider"         android:exported="true"/> 

when run app can share result of game code below.

public void onshareresult(view view){     facebooksdk.sdkinitialize(getapplicationcontext());     callbackmanager = callbackmanager.factory.create();     final sharedialog sharedialog = new sharedialog(this);      sharedialog.registercallback(callbackmanager, new facebookcallback<sharer.result>() {          @override         public void onsuccess(sharer.result result) {             log.d(log_tag, "success");         }          @override         public void onerror(facebookexception error) {             log.d(log_tag, "error");         }          @override         public void oncancel() {             log.d(log_tag, "cancel");         }     });       if (sharedialog.canshow(sharelinkcontent.class)) {          sharelinkcontent linkcontent = new sharelinkcontent.builder()                .setcontenttitle("game result highscore")                .setcontentdescription("my new highscore " + sum.gettext() + "!!")                .setcontenturl(uri.parse(""))                 //.setimageurl(uri.parse("android.resource://de.ginkoboy.flashcards/" + r.drawable.logo_flashcards_pro))                .setimageurl(uri.parse(""))                .build();;     }   } 

however there things not understand.

  • the shared link looks different see in dialog before post.
  • images seem have been available via internet. i.e. not possible set image of resource project.

furthermore have trouble understanding facebook requiring.

this how facebook displays posting:

this how facebook displays posting:

and how app seem post content

and how app seem post content

so question is: title , description gone???

best regards


so, have found out reason why title , description not visible in facebook.

first of @mustafasevgi solution refers sdk 3.5.x tried use sdk 4.0

coming solution...

i have found out have set content url app inside google play store. if set content url outside of google play store title , description not overwritten.

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