eclipse - import JavaFX project on Android Studio -
i made javafx program on eclipse works well, want convert program android app. used gradle eclipse , got file "build.gradle" import project on android studio importing "build.gradle" eclipse said. don't know how convert javafx program android app , don't know how use android studio. can me ?
here's project structure on android studio :
--puzzle_fx --.idea --copyright profiles_settings.xml --scopes scope_settings.xml .name compiler.xml encodings.xml gradle.xml misc.xml modules.xml vcs.xml workspace.xml --.settings org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs --bin --org --puzzle --colors ccolors.class --commands commands.txt smartinput.class --controllers controller.class --fonts apple.ttf bit.ttf pixelmix.ttf pixelmix_bold.ttf wendy.ttf --frames console.class createframes.class showgame.class --models cel.class celextended.class game.class grid.class --nodes gcanevasfx.class gcelfx.class gpolygonfx.class gshadowfx.class --styles style.css --texts input.class output.class pixelmix.ttf --views overview.fxml rootlayout.fxml mainapp.class --doc ... documentation ... --gradle --wrapper gradle-wrapper.jar --src ... .java file ... .classpath .project build.gradle gradlew gradlew.bat puzzle_fx.iml --external libraries
this got when used gradle on eclipse
if want convert javafx project android, without using android studio, , keeping javafx sources, should have @ javafxports project.
you need include 1 single plugin on build.gradle.
have @ links provided here javafxports.
also can check blog post 1 use case.
even if using eclipse, may consider using gluon's plugin netbeans, create javafx project can add sources, , have android native services.
keep in mind android runs dalvik vm, can't use java 8 new features (streams).