requirejs - Uncaught Error: Script error for: isotope/js/layout-mode -
i need use (this standalone package)isotope.pkgd.js packery-mode layoutmode project. im using require.js wiring js stuff in amd.
below html code:
<div class="container"> <div class="section"> <header class="section-header"> <div class="pull-left"> <h3><span class="fa fa-image"></span>photos</h3> </div> </header> <div class="padded_content"> <div id="region-gallery" class="gallery js-isotope"> @foreach (iphotoscomponentmediaimage image in model.images) { ++count; if (w60h40nums.contains(count)) { addclasses = " w60 h40 "; } else if (w40nums.contains(count)) { addclasses = " w40 "; } else if (w60nums.contains(count)) { addclasses = " w60 "; } else { addclasses = ""; } <div class="gallery-item isotope-item @addclasses"> <div class="inner lazy" data-original="@image.mediaimageurl" alt="@image.mediatourname" data-description="@image.mediaimagedescription"></div> </div> } </div> </div> </div> </div>
my renderlayout.js
define([ 'domready!', 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'marionette', 'event.aggregator', 'app', 'util/searchoptionsutil', 'util/uriutil', 'gallery-carousel', 'isotope', 'packery-mode' ], function (doc, $, _, backbone, marionette, eventaggregator, app, searchoptionsutil, uriutil, gc,isotope, pm) { var regionphotoslayout = backbone.marionette.layout.extend({ el: $('#region-photos'), initialize: function () { var $container = $('.container'); console.log($container); $container.isotope({ itemselector: ".gallery-item", layoutmode: "packery" }); var gallery = $("#region-gallery"); //modal carousel //var gallery = $("#region-gallery"); gallery.gallerycarousel({ imgselector: ".inner", imgsrcattr: "data-original" }); } }); return regionphotoslayout; });
so when run code. following errors not able find file layout-mode.js. dont know why masonry error. im trying use packery mode here. have add layout-mode.js isotope looking for. tried finding didn't find file name download.
get uncaught error: script error for: isotope/js/layout-mode uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'masonry' of undefined
thank in advance. hope find solution this. thanks, kasturi
the packery layout mode not included in isotope.pkgd.js , must installed separately. layout-mode.js think.
the download here