ios - Restkit response descriptor not work when keyPath with url query params -

i have keypath api/v1.2/comment?pid=:pid&text=:text

and call api method through restkit

 rkobjectrequestoperation *operation = [self appropriateobjectrequestoperationwithobject:nil method:rkrequestmethodpost path:path parameters:nil];     operation.queuepriority = nsoperationqueuepriorityveryhigh;     [operation setcompletionblockwithsuccess:success failure:failure];     [self.objectmanager enqueueobjectrequestoperation:operation]; 

where path replaced full complete url like


also have response descriptor path api/v1.2/comment?pid=:pid&text=:text

but restkit tells can't found response descriptor path.

in current version of restkit (at time of writing) query parameters aren't used response descriptor matching. remove them path pattern on response descriptor.

if need query parameters mapping use @metadata.

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