c# - objectdatasource not always firing select function -

i writing query issue having object datasource control .in following link similar issue been discussed not same .

objectdatasource.select() not firing on page postback

in case not resolved solution mentioned there (gridview.databind)

  • problem:

in project ui pages(aspx or ascx) pages calls dal manager functions 1 of function selecttasks(int userid) assigned selectmethod of objectdatasource control. reason have call selecttasks function of object datsourcecontrol below .

objectdatasourceselecttasks.selectparameters.item("userid") = textboxuserid.text      ienumerator = objectdatasourceselecttasks.select.getenumerator()  

and convert enumerator value list .

i have kept debug point @ dal function debug point not hit. same record if try debug step step i.e objectdatasourceselecttasks.select here if press f11 working. how can resolved ?

thanks in advance

we not find answer 1 , workaround have called directly dalmanager function .

dim myobject arraylist  myobject = daldatabridge.selecttasks(textboxuserid.text) 

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