encryption - MD5Hash encrypt a list of emails via terminal for an outside vendor -

i have list of emails in txt file vendor requesting md5hash encrypted. understanding md5hash isn't encryption i'm unsure how this.

is there terminal command take txt file , md5hash every single email in file "encrypted"?

the terminal command know regarding md5hash , result when md5hash file below:

md5 -r /users/me/desktop/test_file.txt

result is:

0240da8148f06ae774de0831eda20eee /users/me/desktop/test_file.txt

anyone know of method (i guess) md5hash every single email in file? there 20k emails, doing each 1 individually isn't option. or misunderstanding how md5hash should used email list? , fyi i'm using terminal on mac.


i guess don't want transport plain text emails. later compare hashes of emails file.

for examle emails.txt:

a@a.com b@b.com c@c.com d@d.com 

command writes md5-s of each e-mail new file:

cat emails.txt | while read line; echo -n $line|md5; done >> emailsmd5.txt 

if have file containing comma separated emails:

cat emailscommasep.txt | perl -pe s/,/\\n/g | while read line; echo -n $line|md5 done >> emailsmd5.txt 


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