git - Not Possible to switch branch after --skip-worktree -

what want do

i have file contains sensitive datas don't want push content of file remote server.

what did?

to achieve this, made commit when file empty , pushed empty file server (github). , fill file sensitive datas , applied git update-index --skip-worktree path/to/file . didn't made commit.

now i'm trying switch branch i'm getting error :

    error: local changes following files overwritten checkout:     path/to/file     please, commit changes or stash them before can switch branches.     aborting 

why use skip-worktree instead of assume-unchanged?

i read few questions subject, , found borealid's answer.

--assume-unchanged assumes developer shouldn’t change file. flag meant improving performance not-changing folders sdks.

--skip-worktree useful when instruct git not touch specific file ever because developers should change it. example, if main repository upstream hosts production-ready configuration files , don’t want accidentally commit changes files, --skip-worktree want.

after this, found jeff's question , vonc's answer. jeff's problem same mine, , followed vonc's solution. it's not work me. maybe because of git version difference. because question 2012. talked vonc , said ask new question because couldn't remember answer.

i tried use --assume-unchanged , --skip-worktree together, , soft reseting worktree. nothing changed.


can me problem ?

thank you.

i haven't been able find neat solution this, i'm using .bat file run --no-skip-worktree on affected files. stash, switch branch, stash apply, , use .bat file run --skip-worktree on same files.

it's not nice, it's simplest , quickest way i've found far.

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