opencl - Fast algorithm for compacting a buffer -

i performing image compression.

the image i broken k code blocks {bi}.

each block has fixed size mxn pixels.

each block independently compressed.

all compressed blocks {ci}, compressed sizes {pi}, stored in linear buffer b, of size k * m, m fixed size greater sizes pi.

now, pack buffer b buffer c, , rid of empty space @ end of each compressed code block ci.

so, need kernel will:

  • for each block ci, find sum of pk k < i, (call offset_i)
  • copy data each ci, b c, @ offset_i, of size pi

any ideas on how appreciated!!

here code snippet, (i suppose) stream compaction. contains tons of arithmetic, can parallelized desired measure.

#include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  typedef struct block {     int size;     int buf[8]; } block;  typedef struct blockpos {     int t_size; //temporary size compaction     int f_size; //actual size     int pos;    //position } blockpos;  int main() {     const int num_blocks = 16;     block blocks[num_blocks];     blockpos pos[num_blocks];      srand(time(null));     (int = 0; < num_blocks; i++) {         //every block has non-zero length, that's easier         blocks[i].size = rand() % 7 + 1;          printf("block %d len %d:\t", i, blocks[i].size);         for(int j=0; j<blocks[i].size; j++){             //just make print easier             blocks[i].buf[j] = rand() % 33;             printf("%d, ", blocks[i].buf[j]);         }         printf("\n");     }      for(int i=0; i<num_blocks; i++){         pos[i].f_size = blocks[i].size;         pos[i].t_size = pos[i].f_size;         pos[i].pos = 0;     }      int step = 2;     /* @ every step reduce number of blocks, being processed, 2 times.      * loop can't done in parallel. */     (int count = 1; count < num_blocks; count *= 2) {          /* odd-numbered blocks compacting nearest left-side neighbour.          * loop can done in parallel. */         (int = count; < num_blocks; += step) {             int dif = pos[i].pos;             pos[i].pos = pos[i - count].pos + pos[i - count].t_size;             pos[i - count].t_size += pos[i].t_size;             dif -= pos[i].pos;              // "replace" compacted blocks             (int j = i+1; count > 1 && j < i+count; j++) {                 pos[j].pos = pos[j-1].pos + pos[j-1].f_size;             }         }         step *= 2;     }      printf("\npos,\tlen:\n");     for(int i=0; i<num_blocks; i++){         printf("%d,\t%d\n", pos[i].pos, pos[i].f_size);     }      printf("\n");     return 0; } 

inner loop (line 54) may implemented opencl kernel until number of processed elements big enough. after have array of structures, each element show place compacted block. can done in parallel.

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