spring mvc - Connecting to Database From EC2 to Another Database -
i new aws. have created spring web app , database(mysql) in ec2 instance (which working fine). in web application, connecting database in server read , write other database.
so, database not mysql database. network admin has opened port 3306 ec2 instance access database ec2. so, problem in end.
i have opened 3306 port (my sql) in security group. when telnet port, connection fails. can see in ec2 listening 80.
so question is, missing here?
what options trouble shoot issue?
do have authorize tomcat user or bitnami user access ports connect outer database?
anything relevant issue helpful
thanks in advance :)
if listening on listening locally , not accessible form outside. if change make sure security groups configured allow access database own instances. dont "open 3306", open 3306 same security group or security group application spring server in.
you not mysql db, yet uses mysql default port 3306. thats bit confusing. if mysql need change bind-address in my.cnf.