php - Laravel Eloquent and Query Builder "with (nolock)" -

i have throuble because queries not have with (nolock) instruction after from clause.

because that, queries lock database , nobody can use system.

how use with (nolock) eloquent & query builder?

for example.. in query:

return static::with('campaigntype')     ->where('active', 1)     ->get(); 

i want follow result:

select     * campaigns (nolock) inner join campaign_types (nolock) on = campaigns.campaign_type_id = 1  

here how deal eloquent (tested on laravel 5.1 , 5.2)

you need add scope in model:

public function scopenolock($query) {     return $query->from(db::raw(self::gettable() . ' (nolock)')); } 

then can call like

return model::nolock()->get(); 

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