Doxygen duplicate documentation from @file and @defgroup -

i'm using doxygen document project. in 1 file, have bunch of public functions want put in group. follows:

/**     @file myfile.c     @brief file. has stuff. */ /**     @defgroup my_group group myfile.c stuff     @{ */  //code & stuff documentation  /**    @} */ 

the issue latex output contains of documentation here twice; once in "module documentation" section , again in "file documentation" section. amounts maybe 25 pages of purely duplicate stuff in end pdf file (generated latex).

an ideal fix have file documentation myfile.c "see @ref my_group" or that. there way accomplish in doxygen?

acceptable solution found:

  1. create doxygen layout xml file , configure doxygen use (instructions)
  2. open xml file; find <group> tag; comment out <detaileddescription> , <memberdef> sections

this resulted in list of members being produced in "module documentation," hyperlinks full member documentation within "file documentation" section in latex/pdf output. html output functioned way, not changed.

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