AutoHotkey script for automatic windowed-fullscreen on a specific app -

here's i'm @ :

#noenv  ; recommended performance , compatibility future autohotkey releases. sendmode input  ; recommended new scripts due superior speed , reliability. setworkingdir %a_scriptdir%  ; ensures consistent starting directory. settitlematchmode, 3  loop { ; apparently loop recommended app-as-a-trigger.    send, ^!a    winget, p_exe, processname, forged alliance, style, style, { if(style & 0xc40000) {   winset, style, -0xc40000,   winmaximize,   } sleep, 100 } } return 

obviously i'm trying make when forgedalliance.exe runs it's window borders removed , maximised.

i had working script triggered hotkey :

lwin & f::  winget style, style, if(style & 0xc40000) {   winset, style, -0xc40000,   winmaximize,   } else {   winset, style, +0xc40000,   winrestore, } return 

and wish triggered app running.

i tried :

if processexist("forgedalliance.exe") {  } return 

but did not work, condition returned true (always executed code) though fa not running @ targeted mouse hovered.

what correct way go this?

from description, sounds you're putting loop inside of process check. means check once. here better solution uses timer.

#persistent  procname := "forgedalliance.exe" settimer, checkproc, 2000 return  checkproc:     if (!processexist(procname))         return      winget style, style, % "ahk_exe " procname     if (style & 0xc40000)      {         winset, style, -0xc40000, % "ahk_exe " procname         winmaximize, % "ahk_exe " procname     }     return  processexist(exename) {    process, exist, %exename%    return !!errorlevel } 

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