php - Sending email with one or more recipient in codeigniter -
i have field in table contains email of users. field looked :
| no_request | addresed_to | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 001 |,, |
i use mvc concept using codeigniter php. create model :
public function sendemail($no_request){ $this->db->select('approved_to'); $this->db->where('no_request', $no_request); $query = $this->db->get('tbl_requestfix'); return $query->row(); }
and controller :
public function sendrequestkeatasan($name, $email_user, $addressed_to, $complaint) { $config = array( 'protocol' => 'smtp', 'smtp_host' => ', 'smtp_port' => 25, 'smtp_user' => $email_, 'mailtype' => 'html', 'charset' => 'iso-8859-1', 'wordwrap' => true ); $message = date("h:i:s"); $this->load->library('email', $config); $this->email->set_newline("\r\n"); $this->email->from($email_user, $name); $this->email->to($addressed_to); $this->email->subject("$no_request); $this->email->message("$keluhan"); if ($this->email->send()) { echo 'email sent.'; } else { show_error($this->email->print_debugger()); } }
as can see, in addresed in table, have 3 emails address. so, how can sent email 3 users on ?
as codeigniter docs provided,
sets email address(s) of recipient(s). can single email, comma-delimited list or array
for example :
$this->email->to(''); $this->email->to(',,'); $this->email->to(array('', '', ''));
in case, save email address comma separated value. so, can send them this.
$result = $this->your_model->sendemail($no_request); sendrequestkeatasan($name, $email_user, $result->addressed_to, $complaint);
hope useful you.