java - boolean not holding value when method is executed -

i have method having problem with. second method below, promptforpinnumber(), calls first method, canconverttointeger(), , carries out action, dependent on whether value of boolean variable, pinvalid, true or false.

when execute method canconverttointeger() on own, functions fine, , value of pinvalid correct.

when execute promptforpinnumber(), , enter string throws , exception, value of pinvalid stays true, else section of if else block isn't executed, however, value of pintry 0, exception must have been caught , dealt with. why boolean pinvalid true when should false?

what should happen if invalid entry made oudialog.request box, pinvalid should set false, should change value of pintry 0, ,

  public boolean canconverttointeger()    {       string pinattempt;       {          pinattempt = oudialog.request("enter pin number");          try          {             this.pintry=integer.parseint(pinattempt);             this.pinvalid = true;          }           catch (numberformatexception anexception)         {             this.pintry=0;             this.pinvalid = false;         }       }        return this.pinvalid;    }    public int promptforpinnumber()        {           this.canconverttointeger();           if (pinvalid = true)           {              return this.pintry;           }            else           {              oudialog.alert("number entered not valid pin");              return this.pintry;           }        } 

classic one, replace

if (pinvalid = true) 


if (pinvalid == true) 

or better:

if (pinvalid) 

pinvalid = 1 assignment, not expression (condition).

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