dojo - dojox.form.Uploader 403 error from django server -
i have simple form i've added uploader to. when invoke uploader, django returns {"detail":"csrf failed: csrf token missing or incorrect."} uploader:
var ul = new uploader( { label:"programmed uploader", multiple:false, uploadonselect:true, url:environment.apiroot + "upload/", headers:{ "accept" : "application/json", "x-csrftoken" : dojo.cookie("csrftoken") } }).placeat(form);
i created simple "test" button invokes function performs same post.
new button({ name:"cancel2", //id:"cancel", label:"cancel" , placement:"secondary", onclick:lang.hitch(this,function(event){ this._testpost() }) }).placeat(form);
this relavent header uploader post
cookie djdt=hide; csrftoken=wwlarc9ouevblkfgnedu2ae4et9z0kos;sessionid=du37rjyam6v69mw0bgctkbw708xlvc5g
this _testpost()
_testpost: function (){{ url: environment.apiroot + "upload/", handleas: "json", postdata: json.stringify(data), headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "accept" : "application/json", "x-csrftoken" : dojo.cookie("csrftoken") }, loadingmessage: "submitting form..." }).then( lang.hitch(this,function(result) { form = t._f_form; dojo.destroy(form); this._float.destroyrecursive(); alert(result['result_text']); result['message'] = "update request accepted"; }),lang.hitch(this, function(err){ form = t._f_form; dojo.destroy(form); this._float.destroyrecursive(); topic.publish("/application/message","an error occurred."); }));
this relevant header invoking _testpost function
cookie djdt=hide; csrftoken=wwlarc9ouevblkfgnedu2ae4et9z0kos;sessionid=du37rjyam6v69mw0bgctkbw708xlvc5g
x-csrftoken wwlarc9ouevblkfgnedu2ae4et9z0kos
the key difference being in _testpost x-csrftoken put header, on uploader post, don't have means put in x-csrftoken (my headers attribute seems ignored - tried see if work)
is there way additional headers uploader
unfortunately, dojox.form.uploader not allow headers added.
there couple options. sounds have access csrf token , append url. option may provide csrf token cookie , should sent xhr , flash request.