CakePHP belongsToMany jointable -

i'm making blog , want able assign multiple categories or tags article , article can have multiple categories.

this have in database: articles, categories , join table articles_categories.


enter image description here

join table:

enter image description here

in table/articlestable.php:

 public function initialize(array $config)  {      $this->addbehavior('timestamp');      $this->belongstomany('categories', [          'alias' => 'categories',          'foreignkey' => 'article_id',          'targetforeignkey' => 'category_id',          'jointable' => 'articles_categories'      ]);  } 

in table/categoriestable.php:

 public function initialize(array $config)  {      $this->table('categories');      $this->displayfield('name');      $this->primarykey('id');      $this->addbehavior('timestamp');       $this->belongstomany('articles', [          'alias' => 'articles',          'foreignkey' => 'category_id',          'targetforeignkey' => 'article_id',          'jointable' => 'articles_categories'      ]);  } 

when user adds article, needs add article , ids in join table here's articlescontroller/add method:

 public function add()  {      $article = $this->articles->newentity();       if ($this->request->is('post'))      {          $article = $this->articles->patchentity($article, $this->request->data);          $article->user_id = $this->auth->user('id');           if ($result = $this->articles->save($article))          {              $this->flash->success(__('your article has been saved.'));              return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);          }          $this->flash->error(__('unable add article.'));      }      $this->set(['article'=>$article,'buttontext'=>'add article']);      $categories = $this->articles->categories->find('list');     $this->set(compact('categories'));  } 

add.ctp view:

echo $this->form->create($article, ['class' => 'form-group']); echo $this->form->input('articlecategory',['options' => $categories,'id'=>'magicselect','multiple'=>true,'class'=>'form-control']); echo $this->form->input('title', ['class'=>'form-control',     'maxlength'=>'50']); echo $this->form->input('body', ['rows' => '8',     'class'=>'form-control',     'style'=>'margin-bottom:10px;resize: none',     'maxlength'=>'5000']); echo $this->form->button(__($buttontext), ['class'=>'btn btn-success']); echo $this->form->end(); 

and after submitting form debug($this->request->data):

[     'articles_categories' => [         (int) 0 => '1'     ],     'title' => 'test article',     'body' => 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. aenean massa.' ] 

my problem i'm not sure if associations correct. how automatically insert data in join table?

the property name

that not correct format belongstomany association, see

the property name should default underscored, plural name of association, in case categories.

the magic _ids key

since want link article existing categories, should additionally use magic _ids key pass ids of selected categories, marshaller take care of rest, pick , insert appropriate category entities based on given ids, see

all need append field/propertyname, categories._ids, ie form input should defined this:

$this->form->input('categories._ids', [     'options' => $categories,     'id' => 'magicselect',     'multiple' => true,     'class' => 'form-control' ]); 

note it's not necessary explicitly pass options, if follow conventions, ie use underscored plural of association name, form helper able automagically pick variable other input fields.

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