function - Why is this returning two values? Easy python beginner -

can please explain why enter method in following class returning 2 values? i'm learning python , in process of creating simple game grasp oop , classes. anyhow need enter method return random snippet snippets list. keep getting 2 snippets instead of one. can explain why?

    sys import exit     random import randint       class island(object):      def enter(self):      pass      class loser(island):     snippets = ["welcome loser island",             "can't win them all",              "there's next time"]                 def enter(self):        print loser.snippets[randint(0,len(self.snippets)-1)]      loser_test = loser()   loser_test.enter() 

generally, you'll create class , describe behavior , contents of instance of class. instance of class object type class. example, john = person('john', 'doe') create person object, sending 'john' , 'doe' object's __init__ method (a constructor).

the following sticks instances of class making use of word self. self not keyword (like in); it's word object's description uses refer object itself. can use word (like xyz in for xyz in [1,2,3]), self preferred.

>>> import random >>> class l(object): ...     def __init__(self): ...             self.snippets = ["welcome", "can't", "there's"] ...     def enter(self): ...             print (random.choice(self.snippets)) ... >>> l = l() >>> l.enter() there's >>> l.enter() there's >>> l.enter() welcome >>> l.enter() can't >>> 

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