javascript - Unable to get data from table where <tr> tag have <th> and <td> by jquery mobile -

i try data table on listview click , in want row value it's key , data .

you can check html , jquery link.

here html code:

<div data-role="page"  id="home">          <div data-role="header"  data-position="fixed" class="header_top" data-fullscreen="false">                 <h1>example client</h1>           </div>          <div data-role="content">         <!-- navigation bar once in horizonal menu-->           <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" id="homelist" data-theme="a">               <li data-role="list-divider">divider heade 1</li>             <li>             <a href="#bar"  id="1">             <table style="width:100%"  class="ui-responsive table-stroke"  id="table_one">             <tbody  id="tablebody">             <tr>             <th>header1</th>             <td>data1</td>             </tr>              <tr>             <th>header2</th>             <td>2</td>             </tr>              <tr>             <th>header3</th>             <td>data 3m</td>             </tr>              <tr>             <th>header4</th>                 <td>  data4</td>             </tr>              <tr>                 <th>header5th </th>                 <td>data5 </td>             </tr>              </tbody>             </table>             </a>             </li> </ul>                </div>          <div data-role="footer"  data-position="fixed" data-fullscreen="false">         <h4>powered jquery mobile</h4>         </div>  </div>    <!-- start of second page --> <div data-role="page" id="bar">      <div data-role="header"  data-position="fixed">     <a href="#home" class="ui-btn ui-icon-back ui-btn-icon-notext ui-corner-all ui-btn-left">no text</a>          <h1>detail page</h1>     </div><!-- /header -->      <div role="main" class="ui-content">           <table style="width:100%"  class="ui-responsive table-stroke">               <tr>             <th>header1</th>             <td>data1</td>             </tr>             <tr>             <th>header2</th>             <td>data2</td>             </tr>              <tr>             <th>header3</th>             <td>data3</td>             </tr>             <tr>             <th>header4</th>             <td>data4</td>             </tr>             <tr>             <th>header5</th>             <td>data5</td>             </tr>             <tr>             <th>header 6</th>             <td>data 6</td>             </tr>               <tr>             <th>header 7</th>             <td>data 7</td>             </tr>              <tr>             <th>header 8</th>             <td>data 8</td>             </tr>              <tr>             <th>header 9</th>             <td>data 9</td>             </tr>              </table>      </div><!-- /content -->      <div data-role="footer"  data-position="fixed">         <h4>page footer</h4>     </div><!-- /footer --> </div><!-- /page --> 

below jquery when can able table id on click listview .

    $(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#home', function(){            $('#homelist li a').each(function(){          var elementid = $(this).attr('id');          var rowid = $(this).children().attr('id');         console.log("table id is"+ rowid);            $(document).on('click', '#'+elementid, function(event){               if(event.handled !== true)              {                    //  //this prevent event triggering more once save li id object, localstorage can used, find more here:                         console.log("table id is"+ rowid);                 var table = $("#rowid");                 if(typeof table === 'undefined'){                             // code here.             console.log('table nulll')         }else{         console.log('table valide')         };               table.find('tr').each(function (i) {         var $tds = $(this).find('td'),             rowvalue = $tds.eq(0).text();          // productid, product, quantity         alert('row ' + (i + 1) + ':\nid: ' + rowvalue               );     });                   $.mobile.changepage( "#bar", { transition: "slide"} );                  event.handled = true;             }                       });     }); }); 

if unable see output please click run site ,then can able see 5 rows in table .

can 1 give me right way table data jquery table have th , td structure.

grabbing table information withing list item can use



$(document).on("click", "#homelist  li", function () {     var tdtext = "";      var thislitable = $(this).closest("li").find("table").attr("id");     $("#" + thislitable).find('td').each(function (i, el) {         var thead = $(el).closest("tr").find("th").text()         var tdis = $(el).text()         tdtext += thead + "==" + tdis + " - ";     })     alert("table id is: -- " + thislitable + " -- " + tdtext) }) 

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