c# - Server Explorer shows both dbContext and database.mdf active -
i may have confused implementation of database asp.net mvc project, have separate data layer connection string pointed .mdf file. i imported data models through ado.net entity data model code-first existing database. when go enable migrations, no problem. however, i'm trying add-migration , , get: unable generate explicit migration because following explicit migrations pending: [201504081848445_initialcreate]. i checked server explorer, , noticed have both "databasecontext" , database.mdf showing up. sorry if elementary question, suspicion has connection string? saw when first enable , create migrations, show in databasecontext . next day, see "databasecontext" missing _migrationhistory , , see error message explicit migrations pending. my connection string: <connectionstrings> <add name="databasecontext" connectionstring="data source=(localdb)\v11.0;attachdbfilename=|datadirectory|\database.mdf;int...