powershell - Determine if a .pfx file needs a password before calling Add-AzureCertificate -
i using following code install .pfx file on azure cloud service:
add-azurecertificate -servicename $cloudservicename -certtodeploy $pfxfile.fullname -erroraction 'stop' -password $applicationcertspassword
i think it's throwing exception because of .pfx file not require password.
how can determine before hand whether or not .pfx file requires password?
edit: i'd determine before hand if .pfx file has password or not can avoid running commandlet again without password argument in catch block.
you put in try{}
, same command without password in catch{}
, that's kind of dirty scripting.
try{ add-azurecertificate -servicename $cloudservicename -certtodeploy $pfxfile.fullname -erroraction 'stop' -password $applicationcertspassword } catch{ add-azurecertificate -servicename $cloudservicename -certtodeploy $pfxfile.fullname -erroraction 'stop' }
what think instead attempt load certificate object no password, , if fails i'd know there's password it.
$oldea = $erroractionpreference $erroractionpreference = silentlycontinue if([system.security.cryptography.x509certificates.x509certificate2]::createfromcertfile($pfxfile.fullname)){"no password"} $erroractionpreference = $oldea
pretty sure that'll accomplish want. don't happen have pfx file without password verify right though, because jan pointed out aren't should have in general.