c# - WPF xaml dynamically adding checkboxes -

i new wpf/xaml , working on application checkboxes added dynamically window. have functionality working, there issues , feel there might better approach problem. have looked , found few different solutions, none of them seem work. (checkboxlist, panel)

right using listbox hold checkboxes -- wondering if there better solution adding dynamic checkboxes.

<window x:class="wpfapplication1.fileselectionwindow"         xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"         title="fileselectionwindow" height="368.917" width="701.669">     <grid margin="37,10,31.2,12.2">         <button height="22" horizontalalignment="left" margin="184,0,0,33.6" name="specificzip" verticalalignment="bottom" width="75" click="specificzip_click">zip</button>         <button height="21" margin="0,0,173,33.6" name="specificcopy" verticalalignment="bottom" horizontalalignment="right" width="75" click="specificcopy_click">copy</button>        <listbox name="cblist" horizontalalignment="stretch" margin="0,0,0,60.6">             <listbox itemssource="{binding test}" displaymemberpath="name" height="2" width="3" />         </listbox>      </grid> </window> 

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