c# - How can I separate the navigation of an XpsDocument in a DocumentViewer control from the containing NavigationWindow? -

in wpf xaml, i'm using documentviewer control within navigationwindow display xps document (via xpsdocument class), per simple instructions here on msdn blogs.

unfortunately, navigation within xps document (internal hyperlinks) propagate journal of navigationwindow, rather being contained within documentviewer control. i'm wondering how can separate two, perhaps using frame points xaml contains documentviewer, per topic pictured here on msdn. i'm new whole idea. have or know of code point me toward?

thanks in advance!

i figured out piecing documentation , information msdn. code fragments below in case helps else.

within usercontrol navigated navigationwindow placed (among other window content) frame, shown

<frame name="xpsframe" navigationuivisibility="hidden" journalownership="ownsjournal" /> 

and in code behind called

xpsdocument xpsdoc = new xpsdocument(pathtodocument, system.io.fileaccess.read); manualframe.navigate(xpsdoc.getfixeddocumentsequence()); 

this allowed display of xps document within specified portion of navigationwindow while keeping navigation within xps document (in frame) separate main window navigation.

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