Jssor drag and drop not working -

i've set slide time ago , today, trying fix bugs, updated library code.

during tests noticed pc drag , drop doesn't work anymore, touch event does, i'm not sure worked before because it's been while since checked.

is there wrong? here's code:

image html template:

<div>     <img u="image" src="url" />     <div u="thumb">         <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; background-image: url('url'); background-size: contain; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center;"></div>     </div> </div> 


var jssor_slider1;     function getcontentheight(){         return $(window).height()-$("#container").offset().top;     }     jquery(document).ready(function ($) {         var options = {             $arrowkeynavigation: true,             $fillmode: 5,             $autoplay: true,             $arrownavigatoroptions: {                 $class: $jssorarrownavigator$,                 $chancetoshow: 2             },             $thumbnailnavigatoroptions: {                     $class: $jssorthumbnailnavigator$,                     $chancetoshow: 2,                     $spacingx: 8,                     $cols: 10,                     $align: 0             }         };         $("#play_button").attr("state", "active");          jssor_slider1 = new $jssorslider$('slider1_container', options);           function scaleslider() {             var parentwidth = $("#container").innerwidth();             if (parentwidth){                 var windowheight = getcontentheight()*0.83;                 var originalwidth = $("#slider1_container").width();                 var originalheight = $("#slider1_container").height();                 var thumbheight = originalheight/6;                 originalheight += thumbheight;                   var scalewidth = parentwidth;                 if (parentwidth / originalwidth > windowheight / originalheight) {                     scalewidth = math.ceil((windowheight / originalheight )* originalwidth);                 }                 jssor_slider1.$setscalewidth(scalewidth);             }             else                 window.settimeout(scaleslider, 30);         }         function play(){             jssor_slider1.$play();             $("#play_button").attr("state", "active");             $("#play_button").one("click", pause);         }         function pause(){             jssor_slider1.$pause();             $("#play_button").attr("state", "deactive");             $("#play_button").one("click", play);         }          $("#play_button").one("click", pause);          $(window).bind("load", scaleslider);         window.settimeout(scaleslider, 30);          if (!navigator.useragent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad|blackberry|iemobile)/)) {             $(window).bind('resize', scaleslider);         }      }); 

thanks in advance

the issue caused bug in library, of jssor it's fixed.

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