haskell - Parsec how to find "matches" within a string -

how can use parsec parse matched input in string , discard rest?

example: have simple number parser, , can find numbers if know separates them:

num :: parser int num = read <$> many digit  parse (num `sepby` space) "" "111 4 22" 

but if don't know between numbers?

"i live 111 years <b>old</b> if work out 4 days week starting @ 22." 

many anychar doesn't work separator, because consumes everything.

so how can things match arbitrary parser surrounded things want ignore?

edit: note in real problem, parser more complicated:

optiontag :: parser fragment optiontag =     string "<option"     manytill anychar (string "value=")     n <- many1 digit     manytill anychar (char '>')     chapterprefix     text <- many1 (noneof "<>")     return $ option (read n) text       chapterprefix = many digit >> char '.' >> many space 

for arbitrary parser myparser, it's quite easy:

solution = many (let 1 = myparser <|> (anychar >> one) in one) 

it might clearer write way:

solution = many loop              loop = myparser <|> (anychar >> loop) 

essentially, defines recursive parser (called loop) continue searching first thing can parsed myparser. many search exhaustively until failure, ie: eof.

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