python get a list of expressions -
i have in config (ini) file:
result = "name\tage\tdob"
this want final output (as list) - write output file real values written single line:
[str(row["name"]).strip(), str(row["age"]).strip(), str(row["dob"]).strip()]
my python reads 'result' config file string , manupulation close need. stuck after that. did:
list1 = result.decode('string_escape').split() list2 = map(lambda x: x.replace('\"', ''), list1) list3 = map(lambda x: 'str(row[' + '"' + x + '"' + ']).strip()', list2); print list3
and prints list3 as:
['str(row["name"]).strip()', 'str(row["age"]).strip()', 'str(row["dob"]).strip()']
now, if notice, elements of list3 strings...which don't want. how ensure elements of list python expressions...? tried replace("'", ""), did not help.
any suggestion appreciated.
do instead:
list3 = map(lambda x: str(row[x]).strip(), list2);
note that, of course, won’t see str(row["name"]).strip()
in output rather whatever value evaluates to.