r - using paste() in a for loop with glm -

in code below, df.pts dataframe. i'd run dozen glm models using different y variable (only 2 shown in code). i'm using loop paste() function, can't seem paste() function work properly. missing paste()?

spca2 = df.pts[,3] clqu2 = df.pts[,4]  df.list = list(spca2, clqu2)  (i in df.list) {     qp.mod = glm(paste(i,"~ndvi+elev"), family="quasipoisson", data=my.data)     print(summary(gp.mod))  } 

many thanks! main problem df.list list of vectors, , should have been list of names.

i other words, correct problem...

df.list = ("spca2", "clqu2") 

instead of

df.list = list(spca2, clqu2) 

however, correctly pointed out dataframe, my.data, not correct dataframe. finally, while worked without it, function as.formula() worked. again, many thanks!

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