android - Open camera directly in the Activity without clicking on button and without intent? -

i trying open camera without clicking on button doesn't work...

i follow instructions here :

here result :

enter image description here

when press button "capture", activates camera want activate camera before , record when click on button snapchat. think miss somewhere when open camera don't find mistakes...

here class :

    @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);      preview = (framelayout) findviewbyid(;       if (checkcamerahardware(this)) {         mcamera = getcamerainstance();         mpreview = new camerapreview(this, mcamera);         mcamera.setdisplayorientation(90);          initbutton();          preview.addview(mpreview);         preview.removeallviews();         preview.addview(mpreview);         preview.addview(capturebutton);     } } 

after that, have method initiate button :

public void initbutton () {     capturebutton = (button) findviewbyid(;      capturebutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             if (isrecording) {                 // stop recording , release camera                 mmediarecorder.stop();                 releasemediarecorder();                 mcamera.lock();                  // inform user recording has stopped                 capturebutton.settext("capture");                 isrecording = false;             } else {                 // initialize video camera                 if (preparevideorecorder()) {                     // camera available , unlocked, mediarecorder prepared,                     // can start recording                     mmediarecorder.start();                      capturebutton.settext("stop");                     isrecording = true;                 } else {                     releasemediarecorder();                     toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "camera doesn't work", toast.length_long).show();                 }             }         }     });  } 

here method instance of camera :

public static camera getcamerainstance() {     camera c = null;     try {         c =;     } catch (exception e) {         log.i("camera info : >", "camera doesn't exist");     }     return c; } 

here method prepare record :

private boolean preparevideorecorder() {     mmediarecorder = new mediarecorder();      // step 1: unlock , set camera mediarecorder     mcamera.unlock();     mmediarecorder.setcamera(mcamera);      // step 2: set sources     mmediarecorder.setaudiosource(mediarecorder.audiosource.camcorder);     mmediarecorder.setvideosource(;      // step 3: set camcorderprofile (requires api level 8 or higher)     camcorderprofile camcorderprofile = camcorderprofile.get(camcorderprofile.quality_high);      mmediarecorder.setprofile(camcorderprofile);      // step 4: set output file     mmediarecorder.setoutputfile(getoutputmediafile(capture_video_file).tostring());      // step 5: set preview output     mmediarecorder.setpreviewdisplay(mpreview.getholder().getsurface());      // step 6: prepare configured mediarecorder     try {         mmediarecorder.prepare();     } catch (illegalstateexception e) {         log.d("prepare mediarecorder : >", ": > > illegalstateexception preparing mediarecorder: " + e.getmessage());         releasemediarecorder();         return false;     } catch (ioexception e) {         log.d("prepare mediarecorder : >", " : > > ioexception preparing mediarecorder: " + e.getmessage());         releasemediarecorder();         return false;     }     return true; } 

then try open camera before click instantiation don't know how... if 1 has idea, useful me.

i found error. called mcamera.setpreview() in onsurfacecreated() method of camerapreview class.

i need call mcamera.setpreview() in onsurfacechanged() ! works

problem solved !

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