jquery - FluentValidation: Get CustomState on client side -

i want integrate bootstraps .alert alert-warning classes fluentvalidation show/hide warning messages. thought put custom state on rule , send client side show , hide alert message, cannot figure out. here have far:

public class foovalidator : abstractvalidator<foovm>   {     public foovalidator ()     {       rulefor(model => model.temperature)         .notnull()         .lessthanorequalto(model => model.maxtemp)           .withstate(model => validationtype.warning)           .withmessage("warning, temp should less or equal {comparisonvalue}")         .greaterthanorequalto(model => model.mintemp)           .withstate(model => validationtype.warning)           .withmessage("warning, temp should greater or equal {comparisonvalue}");     }   } 

and here lessthanorequalto validator client rules. please note have todo @ end set state argument client

  public class lessthanorequalpropertyvalidator : fluentvalidationpropertyvalidator   {     public lessthanorequalpropertyvalidator(modelmetadata metadata, controllercontext controllercontext, propertyrule rule, ipropertyvalidator validator)       : base(metadata, controllercontext, rule, validator)     {     }      public override ienumerable<modelclientvalidationrule> getclientvalidationrules()     {       if (!shouldgenerateclientsiderules()) yield break;        var validator = (lessthanorequalvalidator)validator;       object val;       string variableinmsg;        var propertytocompare = validator.membertocompare propertyinfo;        // value property instead of using property       if (propertytocompare != null)       {         val = this.metadata.container.gettype().getproperty(propertytocompare.name).getvalue(this.metadata.container, null);         variableinmsg = "comparisonvalue";       }       else       {         val = validator.valuetocompare;         variableinmsg = "valuetocompare";       }        var errormessage = new messageformatter()           .appendpropertyname(rule.getdisplayname())           .appendargument(variableinmsg, val)           .buildmessage(validator.errormessagesource.getstring());        var rule = new modelclientvalidationrule();       rule.errormessage = errormessage;       rule.validationtype = "lessthanorequal";       rule.validationparameters["valuetocompare"] = val;       rule.validationparameters["state"] = // todo: how can send state across, know can view when validating obj       yield return rule;     }   } 

and here client code want able pick state in params object. warnings return true;

$.validator.addmethod("lessthanorequal", function (value, element, params) {     var isvalid = this.optional(element) || parsefloat(value) <= parsefloat(params.valuetocompare)      // todo: how state     //if(params.state === "warning") {     //    if (isvalid) {     //        $(".alert-warning").hide();     //    }     //    else {     //        $(".alert-warning").show();     //    }     //    return true;     //}      return isvalid });  $.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add("lessthanorequal", ["valuetocompare"], function (options) {     options.rules['lessthanorequal'] = options.params;     if (options.message) {         options.messages['lessthanorequal'] = options.message;     } }); 

kudos goes @kundansinghchouhan pointing out should have seen. state object in data-val attribute, not value use directly on client. below did work in lessthanorequalpropertyvalidator

rule.validationparameters["state"] = this.customstateprovider.invoke(null); 

i not know ramifications have when validationerror list posted server because class stores state value, review if ever need use class.

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