.net - Request from C# to Apache: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive -
i have 2 linux apache servers running behind load balancer. on both apache server have installed same installation of yourls api shortening urls. sending request yourls api short url.
request these servers sent c# production site, shortening urls.
it worked fine months, , on request start receiving error:
the underlying connection closed: unexpected error occurred on receive.
nothing changed in meanwhile. apache server doesn't have security restriction or something.
this code request:
public dynamic sendrequest(string action, namevaluecollection parameters = null) { var client = new nokeepalivewebclient(); string jsonresult = string.empty; dynamic result; //we need form url requests var data = new namevaluecollection(); data["format"] = "json"; data["action"] = action; data["signature"] = this.key; if (parameters != null) { foreach (string key in parameters) { data[key] = parameters[key]; } } try { byte[] byteresult = client.uploadvalues(url, data); jsonresult = encoding.utf8.getstring(byteresult); dynamic tempresult = jobject.parse(jsonresult); result = tempresult; } catch (exception ex) { logger.error("error sendrequest (action: {0}) json: {1} {2}", action, jsonresult, ex.message + ex.stacktrace); throw; } return result; }
i not getting error request, getting of them.
i don't know c#. responsible apache server, , cannot find on servers can block requests, or cause errors this.
so question is: can caused apache server or specific c#. or maybe have load balancer.
i guess question kind dumb, need know asap side causing problem.
by adding more logs on c# side got detailed errors.
errortype: webexception errormessage: underlying connection closed: unexpected error occurred on receive. innerexceptiontype: ioexception innerexceptionmessage: unable read data transport connection: existing connection forcibly closed remote host.
i concluded problem load balancer (hproxy)
i have 1 server on installed hproxy. hproxy serve 2 aplications servers. when sending requests on hproxy getting errors.
now stopped using hproxy , calling requests directly 1 aplications servers , works fine now, without errors. need works hproxy.
so idea, in hproxy can cause errors.